ASP.NET Core WebHooks - Secret Values

Looking at the secret values and how they work to allow for the AzureAlertWebHook webhook to process.

February 16, 2018 · 6 min

ASP.NET Core WebHooks - Running the AzureAlertWebHook

Running the ASP.NET Core Webhooks project locally and debugging the AzureAlertWebHook end point.

February 13, 2018 · 3 min

ASP.NET Core WebHooks - Building repository locally

Looking at getting and building the ASP.NET Core Webhooks project on your development machine.

February 11, 2018 · 3 min

Should I use Nullable bool?

TL;DR - no, no, no! Ok, this was a bit blunt, so why shouldn’t you use nullable bools? Let’s start from the beginning … A boolean in .NET is a struct hence is a value type and can not be null. By definition a bool value is either true or false; binary the basic building blocks of computing. Code when written should be clear and through how it is constructed should show intent, I do not believe a Nullable<bool> (or bool?...

January 30, 2018 · 3 min

Are you registering IHttpContextAccessor correctly?

20180918 - Updated the link to HttpServiceCollectionExtensions.cs as the original link no longer worked. Thanks Gareth! After starting to write a service in aspnetcore I needed to access the current HttpContext to get access to the current logged in user. Injecting HttpContext use to be very bad in previous versions of so I investigated how best to get access to items on it in the new world. This is where I discovered the IHttpContextAccessor interface and a whole new world opened up for me....

January 23, 2018 · 2 min